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 New York R

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New York R Empty
MessageSujet: New York R   New York R EmptyVen 9 Mai - 19:19

Pro team facts Farm team facts
Average age: 27 (27) yrs Average age: 23 (23) yrs
Average height: 6-0 (6-1) Average height: 6-1 (6-1)
Average weight: 198 (199) Average weight: 198 (196)
(league average)

The team is trying to secure a competitive team to make the playoffs on a regular basis.
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Jaromir Jagr 94 66 83 35 8360000 4
Fredrik Sjöström 65 67 67 24 750000 2
Ryan Hollweg 53 70 66 24 456000 3
Ryan Callahan 63 61 63 22 450000 4
Pierre Parenteau 61 54 62 24 450000 2
Colton Orr 29 70 60 25 500000 3
Hugh Jessiman 53 55 59 23 942400 3
Ryan Murphy 45 50 55 24 450000 2
Greg Moore 44 45 51 23 450000 3
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Chris Drury 81 71 78 30 7050000 6
Scott Gomez 84 70 78 27 7350000 8
Petr Prucha 74 64 72 24 1600000 3
Blair Betts 56 72 70 27 550000 2
Jarkko Immonen C C C 25 725000 0
Alex Bourret 61 58 64 20 450000 3
Artem Anisimov 46 42 55 19 650000 4
Tom Pyatt 45 43 54 20 500000 4
Brodie Dupont 41 43 51 20 450000 4
Bruce Graham 34 36 48 21 600000 3
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Martin Straka 78 68 77 34 3100000 2
Brendan Shanahan 80 75 76 38 2500000 2
Sean Avery 64 71 69 26 1900000 2
Nigel Dawes 65 56 65 22 564000 3
Brandon Dubinsky 64 60 64 21 475000 4
Lauri Korpikoski 59 48 59 20 532000 4
Josh Gratton 29 70 59 24 500000 2
Mitch Fritz 34 66 58 26 450000 2
Dan Cavanaugh 44 46 54 27 450000 3
Daniel Sparre 47 54 52 22 450000 2
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Paul Mara 72 72 74 27 3000000 2
Michal Rozsival 64 75 71 28 1900000 3
Christian Bäckman 66 70 70 27 1300000 4
Fedor Tyutin 57 76 70 23 3000000 5
Marek Malik 46 74 69 31 2500000 3
Darius Kasparaitis D- B- C 34 3268000 0
Thomas Pöck 63 64 67 25 893000 2
Andrew Hutchinson 59 66 67 27 450000 2
Marc Staal 50 73 67 20 850000 4
Dan Girardi 57 70 67 23 1500000 3
They are looking for a 1st line defenseman
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Henrik Lundqvist 75 77 77 25 6875000 6
Stephen Valiquette 68 68 70 29 625000 3
David LeNeveu 62 65 66 24 585200 2
Chris Holt 33 34 44 22 550000 3
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Alexei Cherepanov C- D C- 18 450000 0
David Kveton D D C- 19 700000 0
David Skokan D D C- 18 450000 0
Zdenek Bahensky D D- C- 21 456000 0
Joseph Crabb D- D D 24 450000 0
Rick Kozak D- D- D 21 550000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Joe Barnes D D C- 21 450000 0
Max Campbell D D C- 18 450000 0
Danny Hobbs D D C- 18 450000 0
Lukás Zeliska D D C- 19 600000 0
Billy Ryan D D D 21 450000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Greg Beller D D C- 20 500000 0
Ryan Hillier D D C- 19 750000 0
Tomás Záborský D D- C- 19 600000 0
John Seymour D- D C- 20 500000 0
Carl Hagelin D D D 18 450000 0
Roman Psurny D D- D 21 450000 0
Jordan Foote D- D- D 22 450000 0
Eric Hunter D- D- D 20 450000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Antoine Lafleur D D C- 18 450000 0
Matt Zaba D- D D 23 450000 0

Eastside Hockey Manager
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